Review Critic

Kolorex Advanced Candida Care Review

Kolorex Advanced Candida Care product

What is Kolorex Advanced Candida Care?

This is a review of Kolorex Advanced Candida Care. This product is a great product for yeast infection treatment. A yeast infection, also known as Candida, can cause many symptoms and/or health issues. Candida is a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. When out of control, many people suffer from constant exhaustion and fatigue, brain fog or loss of memory. Some people also experience carbohydrate and sugar cravings. Even more will suffer from recurring vaginal infections or jock itch, athlete’s foot, itchy skin, bloating after eating or other digestive disorders. The use of some drugs, or simply a poor diet can cause an imbalance between yeast and good bacteria in the intestinal tract, which can in turn bring about some of these issues. The good news is that yeast infections can usually be reversed with a change in diet and good supplemental treatment. We decided to conduct some independent research online.  Read on to learn more about this product and whether it is right for your situation.


This is an all natural health supplement, not a medication. This is not a vegetarian product as it contains gelatin. The ingredients of this product include:


This product is fairly simple to take. Take one capsule daily with food or as otherwise directed by a healthcare professional. Those with sensitive stomachs may experience gastrointestinal distress if you take this on an empty stomach.

Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $27.54 for a bottle of 30 capsules.


This product does offer a money-back guarantee. This is great for nervous consumers who are anxious to try a new product. Further details about this guarantee must be obtained from the manufacturer


There is no money back guarantee for this product and it would be a booster in establishing confidence from the manufacturer that it is as good as they claim.

It is also not FDA inspected.

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