Balance Complex For Women for Yeast Infection

Balance Complex For Women Review

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What Is Balance Complex For Women?

If you’ve never had a yeast infection, count yourself lucky. Yeast infections or thrush affects both men and women, but women are particularly prone to the candida albicans fungus which drives most infections. It loves moving down to the female genital anatomy from the gastrointestinal tract, as it thrives in moist, dark areas. It is estimated that almost 80 percent of women will have at least one thrush outbreak in their lives, with half of this figure being prone to persistent outbreaks. The key is to eradicate the cause. This can only be done permanently through a combination of dietary changes such as depriving the yeast of sugar, the main food it thrives on, and restoring gut balance. Probiotics and other yeast ‘killers’ can be used to restore the gut balance of flora, so that the good bacteria is no longer overrun by the candida albicans to the extent that candida can be an infection.

The infection symptoms include itching, redness and a white or cottage-cheese like discharge. If the discharge is grey, it is most likely not a yeast infection, but bacterial vaginosis. A change to hormones, such as during pregnancy, as well as antibiotics, douching, washing with soap or not drying the affected area correctly can all change the vaginal pH balance and make it vulnerable to infections. InstantBrands, the manufacturer of Balance Complex For Women, says its product is designed to bring about freshnes, and reduce odor and discharge.


  • L. acidophilus
  • Anise seeds
  • Aloe Vera
  • Wormwood
  • Black Wallnut Hulls
  • Oregano Extract
  • Reishi Mushroom
  • Cellulase

The formula contains a good mix of probiotics, and enzyme, and plant antifungals, antibacterials, antioxidants, and soothing agents. No yeast remedy should ever be without probiotics (L. adidophilus), as they replace the bad bacteria which multiplied catastrophically during the infection, and make sure that the beneficial bacteria is restored in the majority. Then, probiotics maintain the beneficial bacteria in big numbers. Aloe vera is one of the plant anti-bacterials that also has an astringent and extremely soothing effect. It gets rid of any odor in particular, as well as inflammation of the intestinal tract.

Cellulase as an enzyme is included because the body cannot naturally breakdown the fiber cellulose. Whatever isn’t expelled of as waste becomes a potential breeding ground and feeding frenzy for yeast. Wormwood in an anti-yeast formula is always cause for praise. It aggressively treats yeast and bacterial vaginosis infections by expelling yeast, and uprooting the fungi if need be. Left uninterrupted in the tract for too long, candida albicans becomes so bold as to take root in the intestinal walls, at which point only an extraordinary herbal fighter such as wormwood can expel it. Oregano and black walnut are also known to do the same thing as antifungals and antiparasitic agents, and the best thing is that they will nab a broad range of antifungals.


One serving size is two capsules. Take two capsules once a day,or twice if you have a severe infection with a full glass of water. Avoid if you are allergic to nuts. Consult a doctor if pregnant, breastfeeding, or on medication.

What Is The Cost?

When you purchase the supplement from the manufacturer online, one bottle costs $39.95. This is a one-month’s supply. You’ll save $30 if you buy 3 bottles, and $60 if you buy 6 bottles.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The manufacturer says there is a 100%, no questions asked guarantee. You have 500 days in which to return the unused portion of the product.

Our Final Review of Balance Complex For Women

Balance Complex For Women will, as the formula says, help you feel fresh and without the discomfort of candida or thrush. It goes further than many formulas in both trying to root out yeast, and maintain intestinal flora balance. The guarantee indicates the manufacturer’s extensive confidence in the power of what it has put together. While some potent plant antifungals are present, the formula probably would have been even more powerful with the inclusion of other strains of probiotics. This is not a major shortfall, and you could always choose to purchase probiotics separately to go with Balance Complex, although admittedly that would hike the cost of your treatment and maintenance.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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