Review Critic

AZO Yeast Plus Review

AZO Yeast Plus supplement Review

AZO Yeast Plus Review

What is AZO Yeast Plus?

In writing this review of AZO Yeast Plus, we learned that this is an oral tablet that you can take to help combat yeast infections. It does this through a retinue of antifungals and can be taken by women over the age of 18. But does it work as it is advertised to?


The first ingredient, Candida albicans 30X, is a parasitic, yeast-like fungus commonly found in the human body. Kreosotum 30X is normally derived from beechwood tar. Natrium muriaticum 12X is otherwise known as chloride of sodium. And, lastly, there is sulphur. All of these ingredients are used for the same thing: Relief from vaginal itching, vaginal burning, and vaginal discharge. These ingredients all have a long history of being used by women for exactly this, particularly the sulphur and Candida albicans 30X.


For people under the age of 18, you should consult a health care professional before trying this product. Women who are pregnant should also speak with their physician before using it. If you have pre-existing conditions, speak with your health care provider, as well. If none of that applies, there are two different ways that you can take this product. The first is if you are currently experiencing symptoms. If so, take one tablet by mouth three times per day for as long as your symptoms are present. For those who just want occasional support, just take one tablet by mouth per day, as you would any other supplement.

What is the Cost?

It is very difficult to lock down an actual, or even average, price for AZO Yeast Plus. This is mainly because it is able to be purchased at a wide variety of shops, of both the brick and mortar and online variety. But, when looking, we were able to estimate an average price of between $5 and $9, depending on where you find it. On AZO’s website, however, there was an offer for $2 off of your purchase, if you purchase your product online.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Like the price, the guarantee that you find will be primarily based on where you purchase this product from. Unfortunately, the list of the places where this product is offered makes it, for all intents and purposes, impossible to lock them all down and record what they are. Because of this, we will simply tell you that AZO themselves do not offer any type of manufacturer guarantee.

Our Final Review of AZO Yeast Plus

This review of AZO Yeast Plus has shown us that, while this product definitely has good sides, the bad sides certainly outweigh them. The good is mainly in the ingredients. They all appear to work perfectly well at killing the problem yeast that cause the majority of yeast infections, which will relieve vaginal itching, burning, and discharge. The price, too, is a point – or it would be if you could find a definite price. There is also no guarantee to be found. This is a product you should probably skip.

What is AZO Yeast Plus? In writing this review of AZO Yeast Plus, we learned that this is an oral tablet that you can take to help combat yeast infections. It does this through a retinue of antifungals and can be taken by women over the age of 18. But does…
AZO Yeast Plus Review
AZO Yeast Plus Review
Samantha Somerson, PharmD.
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