Bio-Tech Pharmacal D-Mannose (Powder) Review

BioTech D-Mannose Review

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What is BioTech D-Mannose powder?

D-Mannose powder is under the microscope today, as we review this natural remedy for its purported efficacy to treat urinary tract infections or UTIs. One out of five women will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime, with some women having chronic bouts. The antibiotics often used to treat these contribute to the problem sometimes in that they heighten infection resistance to treatment, and suppress good bacterial growth in the gut. This allows bad bacteria, fungi and viruses to take root which may ultimately make their way into the kidneys, ureters, urethra or bladder. If you have an upper UTI infection, such as in your kidneys, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Your urine will be red, brown or dark brown, indicating the presence of blood.

Symptoms of UTIs are burning, frequent urination, discolored urine, a strong urge to urinate (sometimes with little actual urine) and pelvic pressure or discomfort. Most often a lower UTI infection or bladder infection (cystitis) is caused by the e.coli bacteria which makes its way from the rectume to the urethral opening but it can be due to any number of fungi and viruses, such as chlamydia.

D-Mannose is a powder supplement derived from a simple sugar called mannose. BioTech says it is designed to support bladder and urinary tract health.


One serving of 0,5 teaspoons of powder contains 0.9 grams of d-Mannose. D-Mannose is derived from mannose, a natural sugar. It clings to the e-coli, the main bacterial culprit in UTIs so that the e.coli, in turn, cannot stick to anything else, such as the bladder lining. As D-Mannose cannot be broken down in the body it is mostly washed out as waste. So as the D-mannose is washed out, so too will the e.coli sticking to it. In fact, a 2014 clinical trial showed D-Mannose to be as effective at alleviating UTIs and preventing reinfections when used long-term as antibiotics. Unlike antibiotics, the side effects were significantly fewer. The flora balance in your gut, for example, is not disturbed, meaning you don’t have to take probiotics to restore a healthy gut bacterial environment.


Take a half a teaspoon with 6 ounces of water, 3 or 4 times a day. If you’re on a maintenance routine, only take this once a day. There are no allergens or artificial additives. D-mannose is safe for diabetics as the body cannot process this sugar. However, if you’re concerned, consult a doctor. Do not give this to children.

What Is The Cost?

One container has 56 servings. This means if you’re using it for maintenance, it will last you for 2 months. However, if you’re using it to fight an existing infection, it could last you anywhere between 3 or 6 weeks. Bear in mind though that the infection should be gone fairly quickly, so it is unlikely you’ll be taking the higher dosage for more than a week or two.

D-Mannose powder retails for $31.98 on the BioTech website. This is a 50-gram supply. It is also available in capsule form. However, we found the 100g supply selling for $44.98 on Amazon, which is more value for money.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee?

A 30-day returns policy is in place if you have ordered your stock through the BioTech online store. However, it seems that unless you are returning a closed, rejected container, the product is subject to a 20% restocking fee.

Our Final Review Of BioTech D-Mannose powder

When you purchase this powder, you know you are paying for D-Mannose and no fillers, binders, preservatives or additives. As a standalone product, if you are going to use a supplement formulated with a single ingredient only, it should be pure D-Mannose as in this case. D-Mannose gets outstanding reviews, and this is not surprising. In practice and according to our research – as backed by evidence from clinical trials – it is one of the only natural ingredients that can break re-occurring UTI cycles in its tracks for good. The recorded success rates are 85%-90%.

We should add though that as an ongoing regimen, buying this product will be expensive. We recommend that the best option despite the power of standalone D-Mannose is to use a supplement formulate with D-Mannose as well as cranberry extract, for example. The ideal supplement incorporates D-Mannose as one of 3 main, potent ingredients (getting the efficacy strike rate close to 100%) and is more cost-effective than the retail price of this BioTech powder.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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