Revoderm BrightenUp for Skin Brightener

Revoderm BrightenUp Review

What is Revoderm BrightenUp?

Read our review of Revoderm BrightenUp Dark Spot Corrector Cream to increase your knowledge and understanding about this product. The manufacturer states that this product will aid to reduce dark spots and marks, prevent and correct uneven skin and repair dull skin for a radiant healthy glow.


Hydroquinone (HQ) inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color, it often has a strident scent reminiscent of bleach, and in fact, they are often referred to as “bleaching creams.” Lactic Acid helps reduce acne breakouts and the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Revoderm BrightenUp Dark Spot Corrector Cream may not be effective as it should contain 10% active ingredients with a minimum of 5 patented clinically proven ingredients. It should be formulated to contain vitamin E and C as well as a synergistic blend of ingredients for daily use such as Mallow, Peppermint oil, Gypsyweed, Alpenrose and more. For a Dark Spot Corrector Cream to be clinically effective it should be formulated to eradicate age and sun spots and other areas of hyperpigmentation, improve skin hydration levels and smooth skin tone, enhance skin elasticity and boost moisture, reverse the signs of aging and fight wrinkles. It is very important that it also contains rich antioxidant resveratrol and green tea for conditioning and protecting the skin from free radicals that cause premature aging.

How To Use

It is advised to apply the cream on uneven pigmentation areas found on the face, neck, and hands.
The manufacturer should advise the consumer on how much to use and how many times per day it should be applied.

What is the Cost?

The price of one airtight container (1.75oz)  is $99.00 available online from the manufacturer’s website as well as third-party retailers. The manufacturer offers a free sample with every order as well as rewards points if the consumer signs up.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

A 30-day money back guarantee is given by the manufacturer, If for any reason the customer is unhappy with the purchase they should contact the manufacturer. The following information must be provided to the manufacturer copy of the invoice, order number, name, email address, and phone number with a description explaining why the product is being returned. The manufacturer states that excessively used products will not be accepted, and where applicable original shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.

Our Final Review of Revoderm BrightenUp

The manufacturer offers the consumer a product which is presented in an airtight pump action bottle, and the manufacturer offers the consumer a guarantee which gives the consumer certainty. Unfortunately are there certain concerns which need attention such as the fact that the formulation of this product should contain 10% active ingredients with a minimum of 5 patented clinically proven ingredients, as well as ingredients listed above which will provide for an optimal approved Dark Spot Corrector Cream. The manufacturer should give clear instructions regarding the consumer directions, as it may lead to irritation and sensitivity for certain users if too much is applied.

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Samantha graduated with a Pharm. D. from Frederic University School of Pharmacy and has worked as a licensed pharmacist for over 25 years. She is well known in her community as an accessible, knowledgeable and trustworthy medical resource. She continually raises awareness for issues that are important to her community such as the dangers of drug use during pregnancy. Additionally, she offers free training classes for everything from insulin pumps to defibrillators. Samantha has also been published numerous times in scholarly and professional journals and would like to expand that number now that her children are grown and have left the house. Samantha starts every day with a Buddhist meditation and has plans to attend a retreat in South Africa this coming year.

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