Dr. Thrower’s Skin Lightening Moisturizing Lotion for Skin Brightener

Dr. Thrower’s Skin Lightening Moisturizing Lotion Review

What is Dr. Thrower’s Skin Lightening Moisturizing Lotion?

This review is for a product called Lightening Moisturizing Lotion, which is produced by Dr. Thrower’s. According to the manufacturer, this product will help to even out your skin tone. It will also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars, freckles or skin damage. This skin lightener contains a variety of excellent ingredients that thoroughly penetrate the skin leaving it looking more radiant with even pigmentation. The manufacturer of this product claims that their product makes a significant difference in your skin tone.


  • Hydroquinone – 2%
  • Argan Oil
  • Tamanua Oil
  • Sonne Natural Vegetable Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Hyaluronic Acid

At first, we found that this could possibly be an effective solution for individuals who suffer from dark marks and uneven skin tone. However, we were concerned about the fact that this product only contains one active ingredient. Most products that are similar to this one contain a minimum of five active ingredients. Additionally, we believe that it is very important that a product like this should contain a concentration of at least 10%of the active ingredients. Sadly, this product only contains 2% of the active ingredient.

How to Use

According to the manufacturer, you should apply this product to the areas where you have highly pigmented skin. They recommend that you apply their formulation to the affected area at least twice a day. The manufacturer also states that the best results will be achieved if you use this product for a minimum of three months.

What Is The Cost?

This product is available directly from the manufacturer on their online store. This product is currently available for $30.77 per bottle of this formulated lotion. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any information regarding shipping fees for this product so you will probably have to pay extra for that.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Sadly, we could not find any information on guarantees or returns policies for this product. This indicates that the manufacturer is not entirely confident with their product. Companies who offer guarantees are sure that their products serve their intended use and are thus not afraid to offer guarantees for people who are not entirely satisfied with the product they receive.

Our Final Review of Skin Lightening Moisturizing Lotion

After we reviewed this product, we found that this product was perfectly adequate. This cream contains one active ingredient that will help to remove dark marks on the skin while improving the health of your skin. Additionally, there is a wide variety of customer reviews available for a product that seems rather positive. However, we are not sure if we would recommend this product to anyone. The manufacturers of this product did not include a sufficient amount of active ingredients in their formula. We were also unable to find any discounts or special offers for this product to make it more accessible. Additionally, we were surprised to discover that you do not receive a guarantee when you purchase this product.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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