Review Critic

All Natural Advice Brightening Cream Review

All Natural Advice Brightening Cream for Skin Brightener

What is Brightening Cream With Hyaluronic & Kojic Acid?

The following review is for a product called Brightening Cream With Hyaluronic & Kojic Acid, which is manufactured by All Natural Advice. According to the manufacturer, this is an effective option for individuals who want to correct their skin pigmentation. Often the skin on your face can become pigmented during pregnancy, by using certain types of makeup, the use of medicine or from sun exposure. The manufacturers of this product chose to create a non-oily formulation to provide your skin with a variety of benefits while reducing the appearance of dark marks.


In theory, this is a good combination of ingredients. Kojic Acid has been used for centuries for its ability to reduce the appearance of uneven pigmentation. However, we were slightly concerned about a few things we uncovered during our research. For a product like this to be truly effective, it needs to contain a concentration of at least 10% of the active ingredients. We are not sure if this is the case here. Additionally, the manufacturer does not disclose if there are any additional ingredients included in the formulation, which may make this product unsuitable for individuals who suffer from allergies.

How to Use

According to the manufacturer, you should apply this product to the areas where you have highly pigmented skin. They recommend that you apply their formulation to the affected area at least twice a day. The manufacturer also states that the best results will be achieved if you use this product for a minimum of three months.

What Is The Cost?

This product is available directly from the manufacturer on their online store. This product is currently available for $39.99 per bottle of this formulated lotion. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any information regarding shipping fees for this product so you will probably have to pay extra for that.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Unfortunately, it appears that there are no guarantees available for the customer who purchases this product. When a product has a guarantee, it indicates that the company respects their clients and believes in the efficacy of their product. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case here.

Our Final Review of Brightening Cream With Hyaluronic & Kojic Acid

After we finished our review of this product, we found that it could be an effective solution for individuals who have dark pigmentation on their skin. The active ingredients in this product are great. Additionally, the manufacturer of this product provides excellent instructions for the use of this product. However, we would be reluctant to recommend this product to anyone due to a few things that we uncovered during our research. We believe that this product does not contain many of the vital ingredients that one would expect to find in an effective product. Additionally, we found that this product does not contain a sufficient concentration of its active ingredient.

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