Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream Review

Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream Review

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What is Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream?

Today we review a product called Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream. Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream is a prescription strength cream used for the treatment and relief of fungal infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, and jock itch. The manufacturer claims to cure fungi, burning, itching, and rashes within 7 days with the use of terbinafine.

These are our findings:


Active ingredients

  • Terbinafine hydrochloride – 1%

Inactive ingredients

  • Benzyl Alcohol
  • Cetyl Alcohol
  • Cetyl Palmitate
  • Isopropyl Myristate
  • Polysorbate 60
  • Purified Water
  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Sorbitan Monostearate
  • Stearyl Alcohol

Terbinafine hydrochloride is a synthetic antifungal which works by breaking down cell membranes that make up fungi. This product may contain a prescription strength chemical, however, it does not contain any natural ingredients such as undecylenic acid which inhibits the fungus to spread. There is also no natural essential oils in the ingredients that promote moisturizing and soothing properties. Without these ingredients, This might alter the results and effectiveness of the product.

There are no side effects mentioned on the manufacturer’s packaging, however, research shows that Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream may cause burning, itching or irritation of the skin.


It is recommended that you use Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream for one week. Once a day for ringworm or jock itch and twice a day for athlete’s foot. According to research, only applying the product once or twice a day may not be a sufficient dosage. The cream may dissolve quickly or could be wiped off when putting on socks and shoes. Antifungal creams should be applied to the affected area at least 3 to 4 times a day for effective results.

What is the Cost?

1 oz of Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream ranges from about $13.00 to $18.00 online and may be purchased only through approved third-party distributors. There are coupons available from the supplier’s website which offers $2.00 off each purchase.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

After studying the manufacturer’s website and the product packaging there is no mention of a money back guarantee. Unfortunately, consumers do not have a risk-free option of purchasing Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream and may suffer side effects due to the terbinafine hydrochloride content. Consumers would need to consult a doctor or dermatologist first before deciding to purchase the product online in order to eliminate the risk of the product’s efficiency, allergic reactions, and other side effects.

Our Final Review of Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream

There are a few positive things to note about Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream such as the test your knowledge quiz and informative user-friendly website, nonetheless, there are downsides to note about the product itself. The ingredients of this product are not ideal when looking for natural effective ways to treat fungal infections and without the consultation of a dermatologist or doctor, consumers run the risk of side effects that may aggravate the infection. Albeit that the product might work for some, those who do suffer from side effects and have sensitive skin do not have the option of a money back guarantee. Fungal infections are highly contagious and sometimes difficult to get rid of. According to research, there is no such thing as a quick fix for any fungal infections. With this researched information in mind, it seems highly unlikely that in just 7 days of application, this product is the ‘cure’. Based on research and our findings, we do not recommend Lamisil AT Antifungal Cream and suggest looking for natural alternatives.

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Samantha graduated with a Pharm. D. from Frederic University School of Pharmacy and has worked as a licensed pharmacist for over 25 years. She is well known in her community as an accessible, knowledgeable and trustworthy medical resource. She continually raises awareness for issues that are important to her community such as the dangers of drug use during pregnancy. Additionally, she offers free training classes for everything from insulin pumps to defibrillators. Samantha has also been published numerous times in scholarly and professional journals and would like to expand that number now that her children are grown and have left the house. Samantha starts every day with a Buddhist meditation and has plans to attend a retreat in South Africa this coming year.

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