Review Critic

Super Prostate Cleanse Review

Super Prostate Cleanse supplement

What is Super Prostate Cleanse?

This is a review of Super Prostate Cleanse.  Over 100 million men suffer from prostate problems.  Prostate problems plague many men as they get older.  These problems can lead to trouble urinating, sexual problems or even cancer.  There are many products on the market promising a miracle cure. Prostate Cleanse is made with top quality ingredients that aid the prostate by:

We decided to conduct some independent research online.  Read on to learn more about this product and whether it is right for your prostate health needs.


Ingredients include:

It is important to note that not all of the ingredients included in this formulation are proven safe or even effective for prostate health issues and treatments.


Take 2 capsules three times daily (each product container holds 45 servings or 90 capsules). This product is intended for men only. This product should be taken with food, especially if you have a sensitive stomach.  No side effects have been reported.  Contact a doctor if you do experience side effects.


This product costs $32.99 for a 90 capsule container. The product can be bought from the vendor’s web site or from a network of dealers. No discounts or promotions are available at this time.


The product website says nothing about product guarantees, warranties, product returns or customer service and does not provide any customer reviews. The product website does provide an 800 number to call for additional information. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product. It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.


We reviewed this product independently and found it to be a decent product.  This product is expensive at $32.99 for a 90 capsule.  Please note that 90 capsules is a 15 day supply for a user taking the recommended dosage of two capsules daily three times a day. Given that and the fact that the product website says nothing about product guarantees or returns or provide any product reviews anyone planning to purchase this product may want to consider visiting a local dealer or seeing a health care professional for more information.

What is Super Prostate Cleanse? This is a review of Super Prostate Cleanse.  Over 100 million men suffer from prostate problems.  Prostate problems plague many men as they get older.  These problems can lead to trouble urinating, sexual problems or even cancer.  There are many products on the market promising a…
Super Prostate Cleanse Review
Super Prostate Cleanse Review
Darryl Powers, Ph.D.
- 5
- 4.6
- 5.4
- 5
- 5.6


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