Pure Oil Innov Omega Opti-Strength fish oil supplement

Pure Oil Innov Omega Opti-Strength Review

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What is Pure Oil Innov Omega Opti-Strength?

Pure Oil Innov Omega Opti-Strength is among the many available Omega-3 fish oil supplements that are tailored to add the Omega-3 benefits that your body requires. There are no clear claims that this supplement makes but the user is left to guess that they are the common claims that all the other supplements in the market make.


Below is the list of the basic ingredients that constitute Pure Oil Innov Omega Opti-Strength by BioConcepts:

  • Fish Oil – 1000 mg;
  • EPA – 360 mg;
  • DHA – 240 mg; and
  • Other omega 3 fatty acids – 400 mg.


The manufacturer does not give any clear guidelines on how to take this supplement. This means that you will have to consult a doctor before you proceed to take it. The only information available is a caution for those taking blood thinning medication.

Side Effects

Hitherto there are no known adverse side effects arising from the usage of this product.


The retail price you will pay to get a bottle with 100 capsules is 41.80 AUD.


This product comes with a slim and mean 5-day money-back guarantee. It may not be of great help to you since five days is not enough time to fully assess the efficacy of a product.


  • Product safety-though it may not at the moment have any known adverse side effects  associated with its usage, there are safety concerns that could arise from overdose since the manufacturer does not give any clear user guidelines  on how  to use it;
  • Efficacy-it does work but you will need to use it for many months.
  • Money-back guarantee-it comes with a mean 5-day money-back guarantee which does little to help a user just in case issues arise on the sixth day after purchasing. This guarantee is also limited to those products that may have defects ;
  • Long-term value for money-again on this matter, it fails the test because while you buy it for less, its protracted use dilutes the whole value of initial purchasing affordability;
  • Affordability-it is affordable at purchase level; and
  • Natural ingredients –it passes the test of natural ingredients inclusion but the basic Omega-3 ingredients do not measure up to the quantities recommended by specialists. This is a big draw-back because the EPA and DHA levels form the engine of any Omega-3 product because it determines its potency and efficacy potential.
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Samantha graduated with a Pharm. D. from Frederic University School of Pharmacy and has worked as a licensed pharmacist for over 25 years. She is well known in her community as an accessible, knowledgeable and trustworthy medical resource. She continually raises awareness for issues that are important to her community such as the dangers of drug use during pregnancy. Additionally, she offers free training classes for everything from insulin pumps to defibrillators. Samantha has also been published numerous times in scholarly and professional journals and would like to expand that number now that her children are grown and have left the house. Samantha starts every day with a Buddhist meditation and has plans to attend a retreat in South Africa this coming year.

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