Review Critic

Omega-3 Krill Oil Viva Labs Review

Omega-3 Krill Oil Viva Labs

What is Omega-3 Krill oil?

Omega-3 Krill oil is one of the many products in the market that are tailored to confer to their users the all-important nutritional Omega-3 benefits. As all other supplements do, this product also has its own share of claims to make and they are listed below:

In matters of packaging and marketing, this product employs the traditional norms, ways and tools that we are all familiar with. This means that you can find this particular product packaged in the usual packages/bottles and you can access it through the traditional channels of distribution either by walking into that drug store or outlet near you or by ordering for it online.


The ingredients that go into the concoction of this Omega-3 supplement are as follows:


The daily dosage for Viva Labs’ Omega 3 Krill Oil   is 2 capsules.

Side Effects

Up to this far, there are no known adverse side effects arising from the usage of this product.


The price of 60 capsules that will last for 30 days will cost you $29.95.At this price, it passes for an affordable product.


This supplement has a money- back guarantee for up to 90 days from purchase date which is a good gesture of trust in the eyes of its users because they have a fall-back to resort to just in case the product fails to make good its promises.


 This product is not FDA inspected.

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