New Horizon Supplements Omega-3 fish oil supplement

New Horizon Supplements Omega-3 Review 

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What is New Horizon Supplements Omega-3?

New Horizon Supplements Omega-3 is one of the many Omega-3 supplements that dot the horizon and land scape of the fish oil market. This supplement is also decorated with a host of claims in regard to what it contributes towards Omega-3 benefits. Here are some of them:

  • It helps you recover the Omega-3 you fail to get from your daily diet; and
  • This fish oil supplement is thoroughly tested for purity and quality.

In regard to its packaging and marketing, this product employs the traditional norms, ways and tools that we are all familiar with. This means that you can find this particular product packaged in the usual packages/bottles and you can access it through the traditional channels of distribution either by walking into that drug store or outlet near you or by ordering for it online.


These are the ingredients constitute   each capsule of New Horizon Supplements Omega-3:

  • Fish Oil – 1360 mg;
  • EPA – 625 mg;
  • DHA – 244 mg; and
  • Other omega 3 fatty acids – 81 mg.


The recommended dosage for this supplement is one capsule pr day.

Side Effects

Hitherto there are no known adverse side effects arising from the usage of this product.


The retail price for a bottle containing 60 capsules is $44.99. Compared to other similar products in the market, it is an affordable option. There are no special manufacturer discounts coming with this supplement.


This product lacks a money- back guarantee and that means you too lack a fall-back to resort to in the event that it doesn’t perform as per expectation.


As we wind up, we can draw the following conclusions in regard to this product using the following basic product features:

  • Product safety-it passes the test of safety due to the absence of adverse side effects;
  • Efficacy-it does work but you will need to use it for many months.
  • Money-back guarantee-the product fails this test leaving you with no option to resort to in the event that if fails to deliver;
  • Long-term value for money-again on this matter, it fails the test because while you buy it for less, its protracted use dilutes the whole value of initial purchasing affordability;
  • Affordability-it is affordable at purchase level; and
  • Natural ingredients –it passes the test of natural ingredients inclusion but the basic Omega-3 ingredients do not measure up to the quantities recommended by specialists. This is a big draw-back because the EPA and DHA levels form the engine of any Omega-3 product because it determines its potency and efficacy potential.
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Samantha graduated with a Pharm. D. from Frederic University School of Pharmacy and has worked as a licensed pharmacist for over 25 years. She is well known in her community as an accessible, knowledgeable and trustworthy medical resource. She continually raises awareness for issues that are important to her community such as the dangers of drug use during pregnancy. Additionally, she offers free training classes for everything from insulin pumps to defibrillators. Samantha has also been published numerous times in scholarly and professional journals and would like to expand that number now that her children are grown and have left the house. Samantha starts every day with a Buddhist meditation and has plans to attend a retreat in South Africa this coming year.

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