Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement

Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil Review

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Darryl Powers, Ph.D.

What is Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil is one  of the many Omega-3 supplements in the market designed and tailored towards conferring Omega-3 benefits to their users. This Omega-3 fish oil has a host of claims to make in regard to what its manufacturers think  will benefit you, the end user. Below is a list of some of them:

  • Contains lemon oil to minimize the “fishy-rebound” effect;
  • Effective support for heart, brain, immune, and bone health;
  • Molecularly-distilled from sardines and anchovies; and
  • 1125 IU’s of Vitamin D3 per 3 capsule serving.

When it comes to packaging and marketing, this supplement employs the traditional norms, ways and tools that we are all familiar with. This means that you can find this particular product packaged in the usual packages/bottles and you can access it through the traditional channels of distribution either by walking into that drug store or outlet near you or by ordering for it online.


The basic ingredients that constitute Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil   are as follows:

  • Vitamin D-3 – 1123 IU;
  • Omega-3 Fish Oils – 3000 mg;
  • EPA (eicosagpetaenic acid) – 900 mg;
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) – 600 mg;

Other ingredients: marine lipid concentrate, gelatin, glycerin, lemon oil, purified water, and vitamin D3 in safflower oil.


The daily dosage level for Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil is 3 soft-gels.

Side Effects                 

So far there are no known adverse side effects arising from the usage of this product.


To get for a 180 soft-gel container, a 60-day supply, you will have to spend $39.97.This price is however exclusive of a $6.97 shipping cost. Discounts and free shipping are given to bulk buyers only. In the end it is not as cheap as it may appear to be on the surface but it is still affordable anyhow.


The product source contains a contact number for customer service and mentions a 90-day money-back guarantee but fails to provide other clear details in regard to the product source.


As we wind up, we can draw the following conclusions in regard to this product using the following basic product features:

  • Product safety-it passes the test of safety due to the absence of adverse side effects;
  • Efficacy-it does work but you will need to use it for many months.
  • Money-back guarantee-the product fails this test because there is a mention that is not clearly spelt out;
  • Long-term value for money-again on this matter, it fails the test because while you buy it for less, its protracted use dilutes the whole value of initial purchasing affordability;
  • Affordability-it is affordable at purchase level; and
  • Natural ingredients –it passes the test of natural ingredients inclusion the basic Omega-3 and also its ingredients levels do measure up to the quantities recommended by specialists. This is a positive side of the supplement because the EPA and DHA levels form the engine of any Omega-3 product because it determines its potency and efficacy potential.
What is Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil? Jigsaw Health Essential Omega-3 Fish Oil is one  of the many Omega-3 supplements in the market designed and tailored towards conferring Omega-3 benefits to their users. This Omega-3 fish oil has a host of claims to make in regard to what its manufacturers think  will…
- 6.5
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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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