Review Critic

Tineacide Antifungal Cream Review

Tineacide Antifungal Cream solution

What is Tineacide Antifungal Cream?

When you buy the product, the first thing you will notice is the green package that will make you think that the product as one antifungal creams that may be naturally helpful in healing fungal infection. This product comes loaded with extra nail clippers, which work well in managing fungal infection. Tineacide Antifungal Cream asserts that it treats fungal infection with 100% guarantee. Dedicated study confirmed some facts regarding this product.


Below are the ingredients that make up this product. The ingredients are normally categorized into two that is active and inactive ingredients:

Inactive Ingredients


Using cotton swab, apply this remedy on the fungus-affected area. Clippers that come with the product will assist you manage the length of nails. When you cut the nails, the product recommends that you pull back the skin as far as possible before applying the treatment.


Apart from burning sensation on the skin once the product is applied that results because of the acid that is present on the skin, there are no other side effects.


A bottle of the cream goes for $18.99 and provides free shipping specifically for individuals who buy the product in bulk.


This product does not provide money back guarantee. This product does not seem to hide anything, however the product functions on almost all fungal infections on the skin of the foot. Besides the product is unable to function on nails.


Tineacide Antifungal Cream tends to be an ideal product for use. The product penetrates to the bottom parts of skin area once applied. At a cost of $18.99 every package its main disadvantage is it works only on skin.

What is Tineacide Antifungal Cream? When you buy the product, the first thing you will notice is the green package that will make you think that the product as one antifungal creams that may be naturally helpful in healing fungal infection. This product comes loaded with extra nail clippers, which work…
Tineacide Antifungal Cream Review
Tineacide Antifungal Cream Review
Samantha Somerson, PharmD.
- 5.6
- 4.4
- 6
- 5.5
- 4.5


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