Review Critic

Lamisil Review

Lamisil anti nail fungus solution

Lamisil Review

What is Lamisil?

Lamisil is prescribed to individuals suffering from nail fungus infections. In this review we will provide the essential information you need to help you decide whether this drug will address your fungus problems. Lamisil contains the synthetic allylamine terbinafine hydrochloride which is an anti-fungal substance that is commonly used to treat fungal infections of the nail.


Lamisil contains 250 mg of terbinafine hydrochloride, which is a lipophilic substance used to stop the growth and spread of fungus. Because this compound is lipophilic, it tends to stick to and accumulate easily on skin, nails and fatty tissues making it very effective in stopping the proliferation of fungus found commonly on these areas of the body. This compound kills fungi by inhibiting an enzyme that is part of the synthesis of fungal cell membrane, resulting in the death of fungus cells.

Individuals with active or chronic liver disorders should exercise extreme caution regarding this drug.  Other important side effects include but are not limited to headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and skin rashes.


If you have a fingernail fungal infection, take one 250 mg tablet daily for six weeks; if you have a toenail fungal infection, take one tablet daily for 12 weeks.

What is the Cost?

At the time of writing Walmart was offering 30 250-mg tablets for $4.00, whereas RiteAid’s cost was $9.99. We were unable to find the cost of brand name Lamisil.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

This drug does not come with any guarantee.

Our Final Review of Lamisil

Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) has been around for quite sometime now and it has been shown to effectively combat nail fungal infections. It’s even included on the WHO’s (World Health Organization) list of essential medicines. That being said, positive results seem to come only very slowly, over the course of several months, while potentially adverse side effects also create some concern.

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