Mendapause Natural Menopause Support product

Mendapause Natural Menopause Support Review

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What is Mendapause Natural Menopause Support?

As women age, they go through hormonal changes that most of us know as menapause.  It’s during this time that our estrogen levels and progesterone levels drop. These drops in our hormones, especially estrogen, can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. Low progesterone levels lead to diminished mental health, mood, and clarity.  Mendapause is a natural menopause support supplement, backed by extensive research and designed with a comprehensive formulation of quality ingredients.  Mendapause has been proven to assist the modern woman before, during and after menopause.


Mendapause is made of all natural ingredients, traditionally used for alleviating the symptoms of menopause and in a combination to help stabilize hormone levels.

  • Soy Isoflavones – are known to be antioxidants and have been common in Western diet.
  • Licorice Extract – rich organic compounds and also known to contain isoflavones that help with menopause symptoms.
  • Red Clover Extract – also full of isoflavones and it helps reduce hot flashes.
  • Sage – helps control hot flashes and night sweat.
  • False Unicorn – helps maintain hormone balance, like progesterone.
  • Vitex (chaste) Berry – helps with luteal phase of hormone balance.
  • Wild Yam – a natural alternative for estrogen and helps with postmenopausal vaginal dryness.
  • Red Raspberry – good for women who are going through menopause and experiencing hot flashes.
  • Black Cohosh – improves mental health for menopausal women.
  • Dong Quai – also popular as the “Female Ginseng” and has helped with gynecological disorders.

It should be noted that this formula does not mention being of a vegan nature, and it does express an allergen warning based solely on the presence of soy.


The recommended dosage is for two capsules daily and it is suggested these be taken morning and evening.


Mendapause products are offered with special prices. One bottle of Mendapause Supplement is available for $13.67 which should last a month based on the recommended dosage.

Side Effects

The maunfacturer website notes that there may be interaction with two of the ingredients present in their formula; black cohosh and licorice.  Black cohosh may interact with anti-depressants, while licorice may cause interactions with heart and/or diabetes medications.  They recommended seeking the advice of your doctor prior to taking if you are on these medications.   Additional notes indicate that the formula may cause gas and indigestion for some and should be taken with food.


The product has a 60-day money back guarantee which allows the customers to return the bottles for a refund if they are not happy with the results.


Although Mendapause is considered to be made of all natural ingredients does it provide a complete treatment for your menopausal symptoms?  It is clearly missing several vitally proven ingredients for successfully treating the ill-effects of menopause, such as ammonium succinate.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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