PERFECT KETO for Weight Loss

PERFECT KETO Review (Updated 2018): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

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The keto diet is not new. It has been around for more than 40 years, but in the past few years it has gone from a little known diet used to treat certain chronic medical conditions, to becoming one of the most talked about diets in the world, particularly for weight loss.  In fact, according to Google trends, there are more online searches now for the term “Keto Diet” than for Paleo and Vegan.

Why? Because in addition to a great deal of anecdotal evidence, there is scientific proof that the keto diet works for long-term and sustained weight loss – provided you stick to it.

And that’s the problem with this particular weight loss program: it’s not easy to stick to. If the diet is to work effectively, you have to remain in a permanent state of ketosis. You usually enter a state of ketosis by eating a carb-free diet. Our bodies usually use carbs for energy, but when there are no carbs to burn (when you are in a state of ketosis), you body starts to burn fat – and isn’t what weight loss programs are all about? Using up your excess fat stores?

So the keto diet is all about cutting out carbs, eating more fats, and a little protein. Sounds simple – but, for many people, it isn’t as we’ll explain below.

That’s why literally dozens, if not hundreds, of supplement manufacturers now offer a huge array of keto pills, keto powders and keto potions of all kinds to help you get the greatest benefits from your keto diet.

Perfect Keto’s Keto Base is one. According to Perfect Keto, it is all you need to kickstart your keto advanced weight loss program. We’ll unpack that claim in this keto review.


When you are in a state of ketosis, you body produces ketone bodies. It’s these ketone bodies, which are derived from fats, that are used as a source of energy, or fuel. Ketones are usually produced naturally in the liver. These are what’s called “endogenous” ketones. Producing sufficient ketones naturally to get into a state of ketosis can be difficult. Staying there, even when you’re  quite diligent about sticking strictly to your keto diet, can be even harder. One slip – one little cheat – can set you right back, forcing you to start the process all over again.

However, there is an easier way. Ketones can also be ingested, usually in the form of a nutritional supplement – and these are what are known as “exogenous” ketones.

When added via a supplement, exogenous ketones are designed to immediately put the body into a state of ketosis (a fat-burning state), while reaching a state of ketosis naturally can take several days of following an extremely restricted eating plan.

Perfect Keto Base contains high-quality beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB), one of the most popular, and believed to be effective, forms of exogenous ketones. These are said to raise your ketone levels, and – by implication – help you to enter and stay in a state of ketosis and thus burn fat. There is evidence to suggest that BHB might not only boost ketone levels, but quickly get you back into a state of ketosis when necessary, for example, when you slip out of ketosis after a dietary lapse. There are four different BHB ketone salts – potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. The best keto supplements contain all four; there is no indication which which BHB salts are in Keto Base.

The product also contains Monk fruit extract, a zero-calorie sweetener.


In addition to helping you get into and maintain your state of ketosis, Perfect Keto Base – which has been “doctor-developed”, is said to support a healthy metabolism; help with appetite control; boost your mental focus; support athletic performance, and sustain higher energy levels.

While there is no evidence provided that the product actually does all that, these claims are not much different to similar claims by competing products, as any reading of keto supplement reviews will reveal.

Keto Base also contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which Perfect Keto says are an important source of energy for everyone, even those not on the keto diet. However, while it is known that MCTs are ketogenic and thus, allow induction of ketosis even in diets with lower levels of fats, there is virtually no research into the effect of MCTs on the time taken to achieve ketosis. In addition, MCTs promote both primary ketonaemia (an excess of ketone bodies in the blood)  and longer-term ketogenesis but it is unclear whether the MCTs in Keto Base independently improve time to ketosis or whether they would result in significantly higher levels of BHB, or reduce the awful side effects associated with going into a state of ketosis.

Perfect Keto is very proud of the taste of this product. As Perfect Keto itself points out, exogenous ketones taste vile. “Horrendous” is the word they use. So they have tried to make the product as palatable as possible: it is sweetened with monk fruit and comes it in a range of five flavors: chocolate sea salt, coffee, peach, salted caramel, and vanilla. We could not established what is used to deliver this flavors, whether they are artificial or natural. Customer reviews indicate that when mixed with water (rather than coffee or other taste-masking drinks like coconut milk, almond milk, shakes or no-carb beverages), it actually tastes fine. Some went so far as to call it “delicious”, but we’ll repeat Perfect Keto’s own warning that while you may not “lose your lunch” when drinking it, you may still find it slightly bitter or find it leaves a strange aftertaste.


We were also unable to establish whether Keto Base itself can cause side effects. Certainly, that fact that it does not contain any gums or fillers (as well as no carbs or sugars), reduces the risk of adverse effects.

However, there are side effects – some of which can be particularly nasty – related to being in a state of ketosis for any length of time. These symptoms can last for up to a month – and are one of the key reasons why many people give up on their keto diet before experiencing its full benefits.

Some of the worst side effects noted by keto dieters include: headache resulting from dehydration; keto-flu (so called because it makes you feel just plain awful and ill); nausea; dizziness; constipation; leg cramps; bad breath (so-called keto breath); and – ironically – loss of energy which can last until your body adapts to not having carbs to draw on for energy and starts to use your fat reserves.


You can purchase Perfect Keto – Keto Base directly from the manufacturer by shopping on the Perfect Keto website. Other online retails also sell the product.

If you purchase from Perfect Keto, you will receive a $3 coupon on your first order, which you can redeem on any subsequent orders. In addition, if you sign up for the Perfect Keto newsletter – which involves agreeing to automatic future deliveries – you could save an additional 15% on the purchase price of $58.99 for a container of 15 full scoop servings (or 30 half scoop servings). The manufacturer recommends that you start with half a scoop, and then slowly work up to a full scoop.


There are many BHB powder supplements on the market – so what makes this one different? And, if your goal is keto advanced weight loss, should you rather opt for a keto powder supplement like this one, or keto pills?

Well, while this product is apparently pure and does not contain any fillers or gum and it is said to mix easily – no need for a blender – the point is that it is still a powder, and that means you will have to taste it. Yes, it comes in a variety of flavors, is said to be quite sweet-tasting, and relatively palatable – but, unlike keto pills, you might still find it difficult to swallow.

While it is said to be “doctor formulated”, we were unable to establish exactly how much BHB has been formulated into this product, let alone who these doctors were or what their qualifications are. We also did not see any certification relating to where the product is manufactured, and whether this is in a good manufacturing standards facility.

This product is also not inexpensive. One container won’t even last a month – considerably less if you are taking a full scoop dosage. We also don’t know how much of the active ingredient you will be consuming with each scoop: will it give you 1000mg of BHB? There are keto pills on the market that will give you a dose of 2000mg – without having to deal with the taste.

And if you sign up for the automatic renewal program in order to qualify for the 15% discount, you could just find yourself paying far more, and far more often, than you anticipated.

So before you make up you mind to sign up (or to purchase this product), check out our top product for what we believe to be the most effective formula of any keto product that our team has analyzed.

Honest reviews from honest folks at Review Critic.

Dylan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy and has also completed an Accredited Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program. He is a registered pharmacist in Toronto, and is a strong advocate not only for the drugs he dispenses, but also for alternative therapies and herbal medicine in order to improve the efficacy of those prescribed drugs. Dylan believes passionately in a holistic view of medicine and because of this sticks to the Whole30 diet as well as working out regularly. He loves exercising outdoors - swimming during the summer and playing ice hockey during the freezing Canadian winter months.

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