Review Critic

Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil Review

Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil supplement

What is Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil?

Reviewed here is a product called Tulsi Holy Basil Essential Oil, manufactured by Miracle Botanicals. The main ingredient in this product is an herb called Holy Basil. Holy Basil has long been used in India—referred to there as “Tulsi”—as medicine, food, and for religious ceremonies, mostly in the Ayurvedic tradition. Holy basil has been found to improve balance, reduce stress, maintain healthy levels of glucose in the blood, and increase longevity.

With the goal of learning more about the product and informing your product selection process, independent research was conducted on Tulsi Holy Basil Essential Oil. It is important to help put this product in context of the vast array of herbal supplements available, many of which are sold by companies more interested in profit than their product’s effectiveness. Please read the results below discover if Tulsi Holy Basil Essential Oil is appropriate for you.


The manufacturer does not provide a list of ingredients on the product website, but does note that the production process includes distillation by steam.


Tulsi Holy Basil Essential Oil should not be consumed internally. It should be applied externally and has the following applications:


The Internet lists no price for this product on the Internet. For pricing information, the consumer may want to check with known retailers.


At the time of writing this review, no assurance of quality or satisfaction was provided by the manufacturer. This is unfortunate and disappointing, since many similar products carry such guarantees in an effort to provide consumers confidence when trying an unfamiliar product.


The market is inundated with health supplements, making it perplexing and difficult to choose one. To complicate things further, many products are not effective and may carry harmful side effects. This is especially true of many other Holy basil health supplements, which do not contain appropriate portions of ursolic acid or may not recommend correct dosage. Moreover, many Holy basil supplements contain extracts that have not been proven efficacious in medical trials.

This product is lacking a guarantee and FDA approval.

What is Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil? Reviewed here is a product called Tulsi Holy Basil Essential Oil, manufactured by Miracle Botanicals. The main ingredient in this product is an herb called Holy Basil. Holy Basil has long been used in India—referred to there as “Tulsi”—as medicine, food, and for religious ceremonies, mostly…
Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil Review
Miracle Botanicals Tulsi Holy Basil Review
Samantha Somerson, PharmD.
- 5.8
- 5.1
- 5.4
- 4.6
- 5.9


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