Review Critic

Goutrol Fast Acting Gout Relief Review

Goutrol Fast Acting Gout Relief supplement

This is a review of Goutrol a gout treatment supplement. Gout is a type of arthritis that affects millions of people. It is cause by a uric acid accumulation up the blood and which then causes joint inflammation. There are two types of gout:  acute and chronic. Acute gout is a painful condition that usually affects only one joint; chronic gout is defined by repeat periods of pain and inflammation. With chronic gout often multiple joints are affected. Goutrol is a fast acting supplement that helps manage pain quickly. It strengthens the liver and helps maintain normal uric acid level in the body. This supplement uses a special extraction process of the herbs called “Molecular Partitioned Dissolution” which ensures that only the beneficial component of the herb is isolated for the medicine and then released quickly into the blood to give fast relief. Mint and thyme have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties and help flush out uric acid from the body through urine and reduce gout related swelling as well. We decided to conduct some independent research online.  Read on to learn more about this product and whether it is right for your situation.


Goutrol is an all natural supplement.  Ingredients are as listed below.


Required dosage of Goutrol varies from 2-3 tablets a day during a gout flare-up to 1 tablet daily to maintain a pain-free condition between gout attacks. No side effects have been reported. Contact a doctor if you do experience any side effects or allergic reactions to individual ingredients.


A single box is priced at $24.95 but a special promotion allows you to buy 4 boxes at a price of $84.85. A box contains 30 tablets and lasts between 15 to 30 days. Effective price for a month comes out to be about $28.90. This is a little high compared to supplements like GoutClear that contain several beneficial ingredients and have also been proven to be effective gout treatments.


The company does not accept returns of opened or used products. So, there is no guarantee regarding quality or effectiveness of the supplement. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product.  It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.


While this may be a good product, the company does not offer any guarantee or refund policy to back this claim. It is also more expensive than other faster acting supplements.

Goutrol’s benefits have not been proven and the website does not offer any information about its manufacturing practices, quality standards, etc.

This is a review of Goutrol a gout treatment supplement. Gout is a type of arthritis that affects millions of people. It is cause by a uric acid accumulation up the blood and which then causes joint inflammation. There are two types of gout:  acute and chronic. Acute gout is a painful…
Goutrol Fast Acting Gout Relief Review
Goutrol Fast Acting Gout Relief Review
Darryl Powers, Ph.D.
- 6.5
- 6.5
- 6
- 4
- 4


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