Review Critic

HCA65 Garcinia Cambogia Review

HCA65 Garcinia Cambogia supplement

The high quality of this supplement is also reflected in the product’s silver cover with brown accents packaging. HCA65™ Garcinia Cambogia boasts to have the highest HCA (i.e. hydroxycitric acid) concentration among all its competitors. Moreover, since it contains no calcium, the supplement claims to have a higher absorption rate. These claims can’t be discarded, especially since they promise an easy and fast weight loss process. At a closer look at online evidence, one can find compelling testimonies about the product’s efficacy.


This product contains:


In order for Garcinia Cambogia to work efficiently, a minimum of 50% HCA concentration is necessary. This product has a 65% HCA concentration, which means that the ideal dosage should be twice a day, 20 to 30 minutes before each meal, accompanied by a with an 8 oz glass of water.

Side Effects

No harmful side effects have been described. However, the product should be avoided if you are undertaking certain medical treatments (e.g. statin drugs), or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Originally, the price of one bottle was $69.99. However, the product can be purchased online for $48.00, with no retail discount.


The supplement offers a 365-day no-question Money Back guarantee program. If the customer is not fully satisfied with the obtained results, he/she can return everything (empty bottles included) within the respective timeframe. There are no clear instructions as to how long or when the supplement should be used.


The calcium exclusion and the increased potassium quantity for improved absorption, along with the high HCA concentration, make of HCA65™ Garcinia Cambogia a product that ensures rapid and efficient weight loss.  The only notable drawback is that the supplement is not FDA-approved. Its price, without a retail discount program, is also a big disadvantage.

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