Review Critic

GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia Review

GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia Review

GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia Review

What is GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia 60%?

Garcinia Cambogia works as an appetite suppressant, meaning that this type of supplement can help you lose or control your weight, by reducing the amount of food you eat. Garcinia Cambogia is derived from a tropical fruit called Garcinia Gummi-Gatta, which grows in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Indonesia. The main benefit of Garcinia Cambogia, when used as a weight loss supplement, is that it is not a stimulant, unlike other non-natural alternatives. Although stimulant-based weight control products can be effective, they do come with undesirable side effects, such as increased heart rate. This is not good news for somebody who is already overweight or obese.

GarciniaLab’s Garcinia Cambogia extract supplement is an all-natural product with no fillers, seemingly making it a good choice for anybody who needs help losing or controlling their body weight. Continue reading our GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia review to learn more about it.


On the surface, this particular Garcinia Cambogia product is 100% pure, with no fillers or calcium present in the capsule. The capsule housings themselves are also 100% vegetarian, which is refreshing, as many products that we review here use bovine gelatin based capsules. However, despite the purity claims, the makeup of the Garcinia Cambogia contained within the capsules only contains a 60% ratio of HCA. HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) is the active substance here, and 60% is quite a low content compared to similar products on the market. This suggests to us that although the capsules do indeed contain 100% Garcinia Cambogia, the quality of the fruit may not be as high or as potent as with other products.


GarciniaLab recommends taking two capsules per day; one 30 minutes before breakfast, and one 30 minutes before dinner. We do like how clear this is, but of course, not everybody is awake 30 minutes before breakfast!

What is the Cost?

A 30-capsule bottle retails at $25. This is only 15-day supply, however, so a month of use (assuming customers only buy single bottles) would cost $50. There are discounts, but they are not huge. Two bottles are $24 each (total $48, 4% discount), three bottles are $21.45 each (total $64.35, 15% discount), four bottles are $20.45 each (total $81.80, 19% discount), and five bottles are $19.45 each (total $97.25, 23% discount).

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The manufacturer makes no reference to any kind of quality, price, or satisfaction guarantee. The bottom line here is that competitors do. As the company is based in the US, we assume that standard consumer rights will cover any purchases you make, but we always prefer a company to go above and beyond the call of duty.

Our Final Review of GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia 60%

The seems like it could be a decent product. The purity of the supplement is excellent. We’re satisfied that the product is 100% natural. The discounts at larger volumes are also nice to see. However, despite the purity, we were not satisfied by the overall strength of this particular product. There are products on the market containing 95% HCA while this one only contains 60%. It is also pricey, even when taking into account the bulk buying discounts. The lack of a guarantee is concerning. We feel there are better options available on the market.

What is GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia 60%? Garcinia Cambogia works as an appetite suppressant, meaning that this type of supplement can help you lose or control your weight, by reducing the amount of food you eat. Garcinia Cambogia is derived from a tropical fruit called Garcinia Gummi-Gatta, which grows in Southeast Asia, particularly…
GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia Review
GarciniaLab Garcinia Cambogia Review
Dylan Wingate BScPhm, RPh
- 5.5
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- 4.5
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