Review Critic

Garcinia Cambogia by TerraPur Review

TerraPur Garcinia Cambogia supplement

What is TerraPur Garcinia Cambogia?

The TerraPur retailing source provides no information on their Garcinia Cambogia product, except for the product price and weight plus a claim on the product container that the ingredients are 100% natural. TerraPur does provide links to make contact with them and return policy information on their website along with a declaration about their guarantee.

There is nothing special about their packaging and the supplement is available in a plain white bottle with a light image of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit and distributed under the Nutrition Logistics LLC brand.


Trapper does not provide a list of ingredients in their online product source, but when you buy the product on the Amazon retail site you can see images available regarding the product. According to the label it contains the following:

The capsules contain Gelatine for optimal absorption.


The supplier does not provide much information on the dosage required. Although the label advises that you take 1 capsule twice a day taken 20 – 30 minutes with a full glass of water before meals and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

Side Effects

When looking at the TerraPur resources’ there is no feedback when it comes to their clients accept the feedback provided on Amazon that in whole cannot always be trusted as a proper feedback when it comes to taking the supplement.


The price quoted on the TerraPur site is $29.95 with no information about quantity provided or form beyond product shipping weight, when you buy their product from Amazon, they provide you with discount in buying 4 bottles and receiving 2 bottles for free with the provided discount code. Each bottle holds 60 capsules that provide you with 30 days of use.


TerraPur provides a brief statement about merchandise returns if a client is not pleased with the product bought as well as a number to call for return authorizations.  When you observe the Amazon retail site TerraPur offer you with a 365 day, no question asked guarantee in using the product for a year to experience the benefits of the supplement. Then, if you are not satisfied, you can send the bottle back and they will refund you 100% of the acquired product.


The price you pay for the weight loss supplement is about average for the product. They provide you with no information about their product regarding quantity, quality and leave you with many unanswered questions. With the 365 days guarantee provided it has been recommended by many doctors that you should not take the Garcinia Cambogia over a very long period of time as this could cause problems regarding your liver.

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