Review Critic

GarciBurn Garcinia Cambogia Review

GarciBurn Garcinia Cambogia Review

GarciBurn Garcinia Cambogia Review

What is GarciBurn Garcinia Cambogia?

GarciBurn is a Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement used to suppress appetite. The idea is that it will help you to eat less, and consequently lose weight. A further claim is that Garcinia Cambogia increases serotonin levels in the brain, which in turn reduces instances of emotional eating.

Garcinia cambogia is an all-natural substance derived from a fruit known in Southeast Asia as gummi gutta or as malabar tamarind. It grows in tropical areas, predominantly Indonesia and Thailand. The main benefit of using this as a weight loss supplement is that it is not a stimulant, unlike most traditional weight management products. When a person is overweight or obese, the last thing they need is to increase their heart rate with an artificial stimulant.


GarciBurn is made up of vegetarian capsules, and 100% Garcinia Cambogia extract. However, a cause for concern was that the label stated that calcium is present in this product. We examined research that found that calcium inhibits the efficacy of Garcinia Cambogia, or rather HCA (hydroxycitric acid), the active substance. The claim of 95% HCA in GarciBurn may well be rendered irrelevant by the calcium.


The GarciBurn bottle suggests that the customer should take two capsules per day, 20-30 minutes before a meal. However, no mention was made of what time of day this should be. As Garcinia Cambogia does interact with a person’s metabolism, it would be prudent to understand fully how the time of day affects this interaction.

What is the Cost?

Each bottle contains 90 capsules, or a 45-day supply. The main GarciBurn website offers new customers a chance to receive the first bottle for free, which is of course our favorite price! However, when we tried to find the regular price, we were stumped. The website simply does not list it. We tried to visit the ‘re-order’ page, but we were unable to access the price without an existing customer history. Other places online tend to advertise GarciBurn for either $29 or $49, but we are wary of such a wide price discrepancy. We always prefer that a manufacturer set a recommended retail price for the benefit of consumers.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The GarciBurn website states that customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, but there are no details beyond that. There is no mention of any price, quality or refund policy. Individual retailers or re-sellers may have their own policies, but we would expect a reputable supplement company to have this covered.

Our Final Review of GarciBurn

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