Review Critic

Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge Review

Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge

Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge Review

What is Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge?

Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge is a dietary supplement that contains extract from the Coleus forskohlii plant. The extract is believed to assist people with weight loss by burning fat, suppressing appetite and boosting their metabolism. We review the formulation that this manufacturer uses to determine if they deliver a quality product. We also review how much they charge and if they provide decent customer support.


The active ingredient in the supplement is pure forskolin extract. There is very good and very strong scientific evidence that shows how forskolin is able to cause fat release from fat cells. The job of fat cells is to store fat when there is excess glucose in the blood and to break it down when there isn’t enough glucose. It acts through a very complex pathway that is governed by insulin and adrenaline. When adrenaline is in the blood, it activates a specific transducer called the G protein coupled receptor. This activates an enzyme called adenylate cyclase. Once adenylate cyclase has been activated, the rest of the pathway is pretty certain and the fat is broken down to release free fatty acids and glycerol. Forskolin skips the G protein coupled receptor and activates adenylate cyclase resulting in significant fat breakdown.

Interestingly enough, the activation of adenylate cyclase seems to be the main reason behind all of the health benefits of forskolin. In the cells that regulate hunger, the effect of forskolin is a release of amphetamine chemicals which suppress hunger.

Forskolin also activates the part of the nervous system that generally speeds up metabolism through the very same method.


The manufacturer only mentions that one capsule should be taken per day. They do not mention whether it should be taken with a meal or not but from our research, we have determined that customers should take it 20 to 30 minutes before a meal. Each capsule contains 250 mg of forskolin extract standardized to 20% concentration. This dosage is half of what the clinical studies used to exhibit the effect that they observed. Therefore, using this supplement under the manufacturers recommendations may actually be ineffective.

What is the Cost?

Each package contains 60 capsules and can be purchased online for $49.99. The manufacturer is currently offering $25 off. The price does not include shipping or taxes and there does not appear to be any bulk order discounts or subscription offers available.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

There is no evidence that this manufacturer offers a guarantee on their products. From our experience, only manufacturers that are completely confident in their product offer a guarantee and a very transparent about it.

Our Final Review of Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge

Forskolin is very well researched and will definitely produce the health benefits given the correct dosage. Unfortunately, the dosage in the supplement may not be correct according to some clinical studies. The cost without the discount is far too high for a supplement that doesn’t offer a guarantee, and with the discount the price is fair but customers are taking a risk.

What is Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge? Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge is a dietary supplement that contains extract from the Coleus forskohlii plant. The extract is believed to assist people with weight loss by burning fat, suppressing appetite and boosting their metabolism. We review the formulation that this manufacturer…
Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge Review
Ever Young Products Forskolin Edge Review
Samantha Somerson, PharmD.
- 6
- 5.5
- 6.5
- 5.5
- 5


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