Canfo Natural Products Flush Me

Canfo Natural Products Flush Me Review

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What is Canfo Natural Products Flush Me?

If you’re looking to embark on a colon cleanse, this review of Flush Me is for you. In cleansing your colon, your aim is to get rid of any residual waste that may need to be flushed out thoroughly. This will restore your digestive organs and digestive tract to optimum working, which is critical to overall health in more ways than one. The bulk of waste matter is made up of bacteria, so getting rid of this frees your body of toxin build up. A renewed colon ensures maximum nutrient absorption, good gut flora balance, improved immunity and a more alkaline PH which makes it more difficult  for disease to flourish. It also has implications for mood because the bowel and the brain are connected via nerves, therefore this affects chemical signals from the brain.

Once your colon is cleaner you should feel less bloated and re-energized. You should also have better hormonal balance, appetite moderation, sleep quality and mental agility.

Canfo says herbally derived Flush Me is is designed to cleanse the liver, kidneys, colon, pancreas, spleen, and skin. It does so not via the bowel, but by cleansing the blood quality going to the digestive organs.


  • Mangosteen Extract
  • Aloe Vera Extract
  • Dandelion
  • Dong Quai
  • Fo-Ti
  • Cassia
  • Chinese Rhubarb
  • Licorice
  • Tienchi Ginseng
  • Bai-Zhu Atractylodes

Of the ingredients listed, Dandelion and Aloe Vera are the most well known blood cleansers because they have antioxidant properties that detoxify blood and tissue, and also strengthen vein walls. As antioxidants, they are also packed with free radical scavengers. Rid of aging free radicals, blood cells can regenerate and perform optimally, carrying oxygen to where it is needed most. Specifically, the phytonutrients in Dandelion stimulates the liver and pancreas into extracting toxins from the bloodstream. Chinese Rhubarb is well-known for easing digestive complaints, especially in stimulating the bowel to complete emptying. As an immune-booster, digestive aid, inflammation buster and powerful anti inflammatory, the tropical fruit mangosteen is a nutritionally cleansing winner.

On the fact of it, Flush Me does not seem to contain burdock root which is one of the main natural remedies that assist the kidneys in removing toxins. On the other hand, other than being a blood cleanser, it does clearly seem to assist with waste elimination itself.


As a 2-day quick cleanse, it is best to use this product on a weekend or during time off from the office. For a weekend cleanse, take 3 capsules Friday night, 3 capsules Saturday morning, 3 capsules Saturday night, and 3 capsules Sunday morning. It’s best to take the capsules after a meal. You should have a normal bowel motion once or twice a day. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have a medical condition especially once requiring medication, speak to your doctor first. Avoid Flush Me if you are allergic to any ingredient.

You may experience some abdominal discomfort.

What Is The Cost?

You’ll pay $18.99 if you order a 30-count bottle on the Canfo website online. Curiosusly, it sells for significantly more on Amazon. There do not appear to be any upsell discounts as we do not see bigger count bottles or discounts for bulk. This bottle is good for two 2-day cleanses, and one 1-day cleanse.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

We found no guarantees or return policy during the course of our research.

Our Final Review Of Flush Me

Flush Me is safe for vegans to use. It does not contain body-straining stimulants or laxatives, but effectively and naturally eliminates waste in the body. One of the appealing aspects of Flush Me is that the cleanse is completed in 2 or 3 days, not 7 or 14 days.

Flush Me does appear to be a good liver, spleen, pancreas and kidney refresher. It is unusual for a colon cleanser to reset and detox the filtering organs of the body this way. One drawback of Flush Me is that it is not gentle enough to be used as a general cleansing support for long periods of time – it is too strong. Bear in mind too that without a returns policy, you bear all the financial risk with no safety net when you buy Flush Me. There is also not the benefit of independent consumer reviews for the product – we found only one, which is not enough to establish efficacy credibility. Additionally, it does not contain nourishing probiotics or vitamins to maintain good gut health or to raise immunity barriers against bacteria. If you are prepared to overlook these drawbacks, the product does do what it purports to do as stated by Canfo.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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