Review Critic

GNC Total Lean CLA Review

GNC Total Lean CLA Review

GNC Total Lean CLA Review

What is GNC Total Lean CLA Softgel Capsules?

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight through diet or exercise alone know that it takes commitment and perseverance in order to achieve your weight loss goals. They also know that sometimes you need an extra boost in order to optimize your efforts and to see best results.Total Lean CLA claims to offer a high dose of CLA and promises to help maintain lean muscle mass, enhance your diet, support your diet and metabolism and support healthy body composition, a dieter or gym goers dream! This review is going to take a closer look at Total Lean CLA Softgels to see if they really fulfill their promises and to determine this product’s integrity.


Inactive Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin.

CLA is a fatty acid that has been associated with increasing the speed of the metabolism, boost the immune system and help balance cholesterol levels. It helps the body efficiently convert food into energy rather than fat. Experts suggest taking at least 3.4 grams of CLA daily in order to optimally derive from its benefits.


GNC recommends taking two CLA softgels twice daily.

Those under medical supervision and women who are pregnant or nursing should consult with their healthcare provider before consuming this product.

What is the Cost?

We were able to find Total Lean Softgel Capsules made by GNC online on a third-party retailer’s website for $29.99 for a 90 capsule bottle. We did not see any bulk purchasing discounts or offers.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

We could not find a manufacturer’s guarantee for this product. The price and guarantee will vary depending on the retailer where you buy from.

Our Final Review of GNC Total Lean CLA Softgel Capsules

This product does have a viable dosage of CLA per serving and comes in an easy to swallow softgels. Aside for their product claims they do not give us any idea how this product actually delivers on its promises. The only information they provide is a list of bullet points making promises however, there is no information backing up their claims. In our research, we came across a multitude of negative reviews about this product. Consumers claimed that they experienced adverse side effects. They claimed that these gelcaps caused them to break out, lose energy and many say they did not see any results after using this product over an extended amount of time. Another factor that put us off is its price. The cheapest price we were able to find online for a 90-gelcap bottle was $29.99. If you follow their recommended dosage of four gelcaps a day one bottle will not even cover a full month’s supply and if taken for a year will cost $547 a year! This product seems to be similar to other ‘magic’ pills that we have become so wary of that make many promises but end up falling through.

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