Review Critic

Zilactin-B Review


Zilactin-B Review

What is Zilactin-B?

Today we review Zilactin-B.  This oral gel offers pain relief and healing for cancer and other mouth sores.  With the patented bioadhesive, this long lasting gel allows for up to 6 hours of pain free eating and drinking.


Benzocaine, a local anesthetic, is the only listed active ingredient for this product, while the rest of the listed ingredients are inactive.  While benzocaine is great for the relief of pain, it has not been proven to actually heal canker sores. Without other active ingredients, we are unable to determine the effectiveness of this product for anything further than a simple pain relief gel.


Before applying the gel, you should dry the affected area as best as you can.  Then, apply a thin layer of gel to the sore with either your finger or a cotton swab up to four times per day.  The gel should be allowed to dry for about a minute to ensure effectiveness. Adult supervision should be used when applying this gel for children under the age of 12.  If symptoms continue, worsen, or return after one week of treatment, you should consult a healthcare professional.

What is the Cost?

Each container of gel contains 0.25 ounces.  Through our research, we found this product for sale by multiple third party sellers with prices ranging from $8.49 to $10.57.  Packs of two containers had prices starting at $16.59. Overall, this price is much cheaper than other gels for canker sore relief.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Through our extensive research, we were unable to find any information about a manufacturer’s guarantee.  We only found this item for sale through third party sellers. There was also no information about how to contact the manufacturer, should you be unsatisfied and want to contact them.  We are concerned about the lack of a guarantee for this product, let alone the lack of anyway to contact the manufacturer if you have questions about this product.

Our Final Review of Zilactin-B

There are a few things we liked about Zilactin-B.  First off, it does contain benzocaine which is a powerful topical pain relief that will help relieve the pain associated with canker sores.  Also, the price is much cheaper than other alternatives for pain relief.

Unfortunately, there are many things we did not like about this medicine.  While it does contain benzocaine, it does not include any ingredients that will actively help heal sores in your mouth. Without another active ingredient, this medicine may not be as effective at curing the sore.  We were also unable to find any information regarding the manufacturer, whether that be for a guarantee or for a simple contact phone number or email. This is concerning to us because it leaves no way to give feedback, positive or negative, to the manufacturer.  For these reasons, we are unable to recommend this product for the treatment and cure of canker sores and other oral sores.

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