Review Critic

Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters Review

Hyland's Cold Sores & Fever Blisters for Canker Sore Relief

What is Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters?

Today we will take a look at Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters in our informative review. The manufacturer claims that their product can help relieve pain and discomfort associated with cold sores. They also claim that it helps with cracked lips, as well as canker and mouth sores, which is made worse by acidic food. Below you will find more information about the ingredients in Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters and you will be able to see if it is a product worth trying. Keep on reading.


Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters contains a combination of ingredients which help relieve the symptoms of cold sores, cracked lips, and fever blisters. It is also designed to help with canker sores and mouth ulcers. Based on our research, it seems like the product does not provide clinically proven and crucial ingredients which are essential for effectiveness. If propolis and vitamin B12 were also included in the list of ingredients, then the product would possibly be as effective as other brands.


The manufacturer has provided clear instructions on when and how the user should take the supplement. Children older than 12 years and adults are recommended to dissolve 2 to 3 tablets under the tongue every four hours or as needed. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 are recommended to take half the dose that the adult takes. It is however best to have an alum based powdered topical application that can double as a mouth wash, based on our research.

What is the Cost?

It seems that the product is only available from local retail stores. You can follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s website to locate a store near you. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide a price for the product and there are no discounts or bundle deals made available for the customer to take advantage of.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

To our dismay, we were unable to find any evidence of a money-back guarantee. This could indicate that the manufacturer is not confident in their product. Also, it is relevant to know that you will be at rick when making a purchase.

Our Final Review of Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters

We have reviewed Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters and found that the manufacturer provides their customers with clear usage instructions which are beneficial.

However, there are more things that we are concerned about when looking at this product. First of all, the ingredients list lacks essential ingredients that are found to be effective and safe for use. Lack thereof may result in a less effective product in comparison with other brands. Furthermore, the product does not come in a powder form, however, in tablet form, which may cause the product to not work as effectively as other brands. Also, the product is not sold online and the price is not made available.  Finally, the manufacturer does not back their product with a money-back guarantee. We are unable to recommend Hyland’s Cold Sores & Fever Blisters as an effective product and encourage you to search for an alternative canker sore product.

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