Review Critic

World Organic Breath Buddies Review

World Organic Breath Buddies

World Organic Breath Buddies Review

What is World Organic Breath Buddies?

Bad breath is an embarrassing and isolating condition that can be hard to tackle. The problem with most breath treatments is that they only offer temporary, external, band-aid solutions that don’t really work. Bad breath can signify that there is a deeper rooted issue in the body that needs to be tackled from the inside out. This review is going to examine World Organic Breath Buddies. This product claims to be a unique, natural breath freshener that is focused on internal cleansing. Despite your diet, they claim they can remove and negate the source of bad breath, without artificial or chemical flavorings that only mask the odor.


Parsley gets its color from a compound called chlorophyll that is a substance that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are believed to help neutralize toxins and pollutants that you can ingest daily. Chlorophyll is a deodorizer that acts naturally. Sunflower oil acts by strengthening the membrane barriers and therefore makes it harder for odor-causing bacteria to enter the body.


The manufacturer recommends taking 2 or 3 capsules with liquid after eating odor-inducing foods. You can repeat if needed.

Pregnant and nursing women are recommended to consult with their health care provider before ingesting this product.

What is the Cost?

This product is exclusively available for purchase through third-party retailers. We were able to find it online for $7.45 per bottle. Two bottles are sold for $7.08 per bottle.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The manufacturer does not offer a guarantee. Any guarantee will be subject to the terms and conditions of the third-party retailer you buy from.

Our Final Review of World Organic Breath Buddies

This product appears to be a decent product. They have ingredients that have been shown to improve bad breath and their price is relatively reasonable. However, when researching a product we always look for a good manufacturer’s guarantee for consumer protection and World Organic does not offer one, leaving you at risk if you are ultimately unsatisfied with this product. There is also nearly no information about Breath Buddies on their website. They claim to treat bad breath from the inside out but do not explain how. Generally, when treating odor causing problems from the inside out, it starts in the digestive tract but neither one of their key ingredients are geared towards that. If you are experiencing embarrassing bad breath, you do not want to waste your time or money on a product that does not fulfill its promises and does not successfully combat the issue. Consumer testimonials claim that Breath Buddies did not work for them and for these reasons we feel inclined to steer away from this product in search of another that does work.

What is World Organic Breath Buddies? Bad breath is an embarrassing and isolating condition that can be hard to tackle. The problem with most breath treatments is that they only offer temporary, external, band-aid solutions that don't really work. Bad breath can signify that there is a deeper rooted issue in…
World Organic Breath Buddies Review
World Organic Breath Buddies Review
Samantha Somerson, PharmD.
- 6
- 5
- 6.5
- 5
- 5.5


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