Review Critic

Nature’s Way Chlorofresh Review

Nature's Way Chlorofresh

Nature's Way Chlorofresh Review

What is Nature’s Way Chlorofresh

Bad breath and body odor are embarrassing conditions that can be hard to keep under control. The problem with most breath fresheners and deodorants is that they only target odor-causing substances externally. This ends up being a temporary solution because often times persistent body odors are a result of toxins that reside within your digestive system. This review is going to take a closer look at Nature’s Way Chlorofresh. This product is an internal deodorant composed of a concentrated chlorophyll complex made from premium botanicals that are designed to reduce digestive tract odors. It is widely believed that body odors are a result of years of toxic waste buildup from within your colon and this product is designed to cleanse your body from those toxins.


Inactive Ingredients: soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, purified water, soy lecithin.

Chlorophyllin is believed to help cleanse the body of odor-causing bacteria and toxins by cleansing the toxins in the bloodstream.


The manufacturer recommends that adults and children over the age of twelve take two softgels 1-2 times daily. If you do not find two softgels to be effective, they recommend taking an additional two softgels but not to exceed six softgels a day.

If you are pregnant, nursing, under the age of 12 or under medical supervision, you should talk to your doctor before taking this product.

What is the Cost?

You can purchase this product from different third-party retailers. We found one 90-softgel bottle available online for $9.07. There are no bulk purchasing packages or discounts offered.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Nature’s Way clearly states on their website that they do not offer any sort of money back guarantee and if a product is purchased through a third party retailer it is purchased ‘as is.’ This is risky because if you find that this product doesn’t work for you or you experience adverse side effects from taking it, you may not be able to get your money back.

Our Final Review of Nature’s Way Chlorofresh

This product appears to be a promising tool that can help you get relief from bad breath and body odors. It contains a chlorophyll complex that is formulated to cleanse your system of toxins that are causing your body odor and bad breath. However, the manufacturer does little to explain what the risks and benefits are of their product. There is also nearly no information aside for the label information offered about this product. Depending on the severity of every individual case, it might take some longer than others to get relief from odors but the manufacturer does not offer any bulk purchasing packages or discounts to make it easier to continuously take their product. Furthermore, the manufacturer does not offer a guarantee which is risky considering that if you are not satisfied you cannot get your money back.

What is Nature's Way Chlorofresh Bad breath and body odor are embarrassing conditions that can be hard to keep under control. The problem with most breath fresheners and deodorants is that they only target odor-causing substances externally. This ends up being a temporary solution because often times persistent body odors…
Nature’s Way Chlorofresh Review
Nature’s Way Chlorofresh Review
Darryl Powers, Ph.D.
- 6.5
- 6
- 7.5
- 5
- 6


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