Motherdirt AO+ Mist

Motherdirt AO+ Mist Review

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What is Motherdirt AO+ Mist?

This review is going to examine AO+ Mist which is manufactured by Motherdirt. This product is a live probiotic spray for the skin that contains Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria or AOBs. They claim that it restores balance to dry, oily and sensitive skin types and can improve skin clarity 35%, the appearance of oily skin by 22% and the look and feel of dry, rough and bumpy skin by 35% within the first four weeks. It works by restoring essential bacteria that has been stripped away by common skin care hygiene routines that include common cleansers and moisturizers. They claim that after four weeks you will be less dependent on deodorants, moisturizers and other commonly relied upon skin products. Their ingredients are all plant-derived, preservative and fragrance-free and can be used for all skin types and even young children can use it.


  • Aqua (water)
  • Nitrosomonas eutropha
  • Disodium phosphate
  • Magnesium chloride (natural salts)

The ingredients work by converting ammonia into beneficial byproducts. It is believed that modern hygiene wipes out the beneficial bacteria from your skin.  By our skin absorbing the ammonia, the AOBs help keep a healthy pH level. The byproducts help calm the skin and keep other microorganisms in check.


Motherdirt recommends shaking the bottle well, picking the areas where you sweat the most and mist once or more a day.

Because this product contains live AOBs the manufacturer recommends storing it in the refrigerator.

What is the Cost?

One 3.4 fl oz. bottle of AO + Mist is available on the manufacturer’s website for $49.90. There are no bulk purchasing options.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

The manufacturer does not have any guarantees but in the FAQs, they claim that if their product doesn’t work for you, they will issue a refund.

Our Final Review of Motherdirt AO+ Mist

This product seems to be a decent product. Their product is unique in that it contains live bacteria and approaches skin issues from an original angle by restoring good bacteria that they claim the skin needs in order to be in an optimal condition. However, one tiny bottle is exorbitantly expensive relative to other products on the market. They claim that by using their product, you will be able to cut out other skin care products from your skincare routine which will result in cutting the overall cost of taking care of your skin but when we researched consumer testimonials we found many consumers who had tried this mist over an extended amount of time and claimed that they saw no difference in the condition of their skin and still had to use their usual skin care products. We always look for an upstanding, straightforward and honest manufacturer’s guarantee in order to ensure consumer protection in the case that you are not satisfied with the product or experience adverse side effects but Motherdirt does not offer one. In their FAQs, they claim that if you do not see results after continual usage they will issue a refund but they do not stipulate any terms and conditions for obtaining the refund which can leave you in a compromised position and subject to undisclosed stipulations.

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Dylan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy and has also completed an Accredited Canadian Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program. He is a registered pharmacist in Toronto, and is a strong advocate not only for the drugs he dispenses, but also for alternative therapies and herbal medicine in order to improve the efficacy of those prescribed drugs. Dylan believes passionately in a holistic view of medicine and because of this sticks to the Whole30 diet as well as working out regularly. He loves exercising outdoors - swimming during the summer and playing ice hockey during the freezing Canadian winter months.

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