Zeasorb Athlete's Foot

Zeasorb Athlete’s Foot Review

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What is Zeasorb Athlete’s Foot?

Welcome to today’s review of Zeasorb Athlete’s Foot. When the manufacturer formulated the product, it made a product that targets and remedies athlete’s foot, relieves itching, burning and scaling, soothes chafing and inhibits the fungi that cause redness and irritation. The product does not contain any starch.


The main ingredient in the product is Miconazole Nitrate. Miconazole is used for skin conditions such as pityriasis. The ingredient is an azole antifungal that works by stopping the growth of yeast that causes the infection. The inactive ingredients in the product are Aldioxa, Chloroxylenol, Fragrance, Imidurea, Powdered Cellulose, Sodium Polyacrylate and Talc.


Before you apply the product, you should clean the affected area thoroughly. After the clean, dry the area. Apply a thin layer of the product over the affected area in the morning and at night every day. After the application, you should wear ventilated shoes and changes socks and shoes at least once a day. Use the product for 4 weeks.

What is the Cost?

The product is packaged in a 2.5-ounce bottle. On Amazon, the product is sold as a pack of 3 for $20.77. Shipping is for free only on orders over $25. The manufacturer has not provided any discount on the product.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

After thoroughly searching on the official website, as well as the product’s Amazon page, we were disappointed to discover that the product does not come with a guarantee. When a product is without a guarantee, the consumer has to bear the risk. Also, the manufacturer, in most cases, does not offer a guarantee when it does not have confidence in the product to deliver consistent results to consumers.

Our Final Review of Zeasorb Athlete’s Foot

Our examination of this product has helped us to be able to report certain facts about the product. Zeasorb Athlete’s Foot is a product that targets and remedies athlete’s foot, relieves itching, burning and scaling, soothes chafing and inhibits the fungi that cause redness and irritation. Our first concern about the product is that the manufacturer has not offered any discount and has made shipping an additional expense. The manufacturer has not provided any guarantee for the product. When the consumer purchases the product, he or she has to take on the risk. If the product does not work, the consumer has wasted money. Also, when the manufacturer does not include a guarantee it is an indication that the manufacturer is unconfident in the product’s ability to deliver consistent results to consumers. We use the testimonials to discern the customer experience of the product. Unfortunately, we were able to find customers who had a negative experience. Certain customers mentioned that the product did not work for them and it had a terrible smell. When we gather all the facts about the product, we have concluded that since the product does not come with a guarantee and customers have attested to the product not working, customers purchasing this product will be taking a risk.

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Dr. Powers holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan Technological University. Darryl is a published biomedical researcher with an expertise in the field of dietary supplement research. Additionally, he is a well-known speaker on consumer healthcare issues. He feels strongly about bringing his wealth of knowledge to the consumer in order for the layperson to make educated decisions about their health and wellbeing. Nothing energizes him more than helping people advocate for their own health. In his downtime, Darryl enjoys attending sporting events with his family and running on the treadmill while listening to his favorite podcast of the moment.

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