Garcinia Cambogia is a much known weight loss supplement that has taken off all over the world for its known ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) that helps to suppress your appetite while reducing your body fat. Nutra House is one of the suppliers that has brought out this suppressant and advises that they are one of the best selling diet supplements available on the market today. Their packaging is all white with some soft colours used on the front of the bottle providing you with an image of this well renowned fruit.
They advise that by using their supplement, you will receive the following benefits:
- Provide you with a high potency weight loss formula,
- Acts as an appetite suppressant,
- While being a fat production inhibitor,
- It’s a potent fat burner,
- A non-stimulating with no side effects or jitters,
- And even enhances fat burning.
The Nutra House diet supplement has 100% Pure Cambogia Extract, 80% HCA per serving 1,500 mg and Potassium 99 mg. The following is added ingredients and does not advise you how much milligrams it contains.
- Calcium
- Cellulose
- Malt dextrin
- Magnesium Stearate
- Silesia
There is not much information regarding the dosage to be taken or how it must be taken, but the suggested dosage is 2 tablets twice a day.
Side Effects
There is not much known about side effects when it comes to the use of this dietary supplement and there is very little feedback from customers that have bought it.
The supplier sells their product for $31.99 for 90 capsules that should last you 22 days.
No guarantees are known for the use of this product or money back guarantee. The manufacturer only provides you with free domestic shipping.
The smallest amount of reviews available is positive, and the price for 90 capsules is higher than most other vendors. Nutra House does not provide much information on their product and provides no guarantees, plus they are not FDA approved.